Midnight Elegance

Original Textured Abstract by


Art Medium: Acrylic on Stretched Canvas with a Satin UV Varnish Finish

Original Painting: Original

Size: 76cm x 51cm x 1.9cm


Size Type: Large

Paintings: Abstract, Motivational

  • Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
  • Satin UV Varnish Finish
  • Natural Wooden Tray Frame (Wax Treated)
  • Textured Painting
  • Hang Vertically or Horizontally
  • Certificate of Autheticity
  • Free Shipping


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Artist: Maz O' Driscoll

Maz O' Driscoll

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This stunning piece is  from the ‘Midnight Luxe Collection’ and I painted this with the intention to be visually stricking with dominant black creating a sense of depth and mystery, while the yellows and beige add warmth.

The touch of gold adds a shimmering element to the painting, catching the light and adding contrast to the darker shades.  The black and beige areas intertwine and contrast with each other to create a visual balance.

Again I applied a layering and blending technique to create the textures, and the variations in the textures adds depth and richness to the overall composition.

Additional information

Art Medium

Acrylic, Own Technique


Abstract, Motivational

Size Type


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Please be aware of additional customs charges depending on shipping location. This item ships from ireland.