Tom’s study #2

Original oil painting on canvas board, framed. Realism. Working hands. by


Art Medium: oil

Original Painting: Original

Size: 95cm x 61.5cm


Size Type: Medium

Paintings: People

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Artist: Sarah Grange

Sarah Grange

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Acrylic on canvas board, framed.

This gorgeous study of an Irish traveller’s hands. I had seen a photographer’s work on Instagram, he studies Irish travellers. He took a beautiful photo of Toms’s hands with a cigarette. I was walking through Galway and ran into him myself. He was absolutely lovely. He offered his hands up immediately.

This series of hands are centred around hard work. I wanted to portray the importance and value of hard work, dedication, and persistence in achieving one’s goals and aspirations. Hard work is an essential component of success in any field or endeavour. It requires discipline, commitment, and a willingness to push through obstacles and challenges.

Through hard work, individuals can develop essential skills, gain valuable experience, and build a strong work ethic that will serve them well throughout their lives. Hard work also allows individuals to achieve a sense of accomplishment and fulfilment, as they see the fruits of their labour come to fruition.

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Ireland Shipping: 50

UK Shipping: 70

Rest of EU Shipping: 60

Rest of the World Shipping: 100

Please be aware of additional customs charges depending on shipping location. This item ships from ireland.