Anna Spalek Mlynarczyk
ANNA SPAŁEK MŁYNARCZYK born in 1978 in Siemianowice Śląskie, grew up in Dębica in the Podkarpacie region, currently lives in Olszowice and works in Krakow. She completed her studies under the supervision of Professor Wiktor Zin at the Department of Monument Conservation at the Faculty of Architecture of the Cracow University of Technology. She has been developing her painting passion since childhood, painting landscapes in oil technique on plywood. In high school she participated in open-air painting and painting clubs. She has exhibited her works in Poland, Ireland and Denmark, at both individual and collective exhibitions. The artist creates oil works on the border of impressionism and realism in her individual style, in a moment of need, out of admiration for the surrounding world, inspired by what surrounds her every day, interspersed with the magic of changing seasons, nature and architecture.
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