Cole Halliday

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Cole is a contemporary artist whose work explores the complex and often misunderstood world of ADHD and the vibrant skateboarding culture he has loved since he was a kid. Cole spent his formative years navigating the challenges of his diagnosis and finding solace in the skateboarding community. Cole’s work reflects their deep connection to the skateboarding and hip hop culture, creating a unique and compelling artistic vision.

Working primarily with ink, gouache, and watercolor markers on paper and various other surfaces, Cole’s pieces often feature bold lines and abstract shapes that evoke the sense of movement and energy found in skateboarding. The brightly saturated colors seen in many of his work also evoke the feeling of raw, unfiltered emotions often associated with ADHD.

Through his art, Cole offers a tribute to the skateboarding community and the people who have helped him through his life journey. With a unique blend of artistic technique and personal sensitivity, Cole’s work offers a powerful and thought-provoking glimpse into our shared humanity, inviting the viewer to see the beauty in the chaos of life.

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