Patricia Fahy

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Primarily a self-taught artist, Patricia Fahy is best known for her vibrant figurative paintings. In 2021, Patricia’s painting of her father entitled ‘Lockdown Buddies’, was selected for the London Art Biennale in Chelsea and the painting formed part of the exhibition during August 2021 in Chelsea Old Town Hall, London. In her paintings, Patricia brings a feminine and striking combination of stripped back compositional form and a modern day palette. Her skill as a portrait artist and colourist, combined with her contemporary approach, produce works that are pop fresh yet classically referenced. She works primarily with oil on canvas or board and likes to use gold, silver and vivid colours in her works. Patricia is greatly inspired by the figurative painters of the 14th and 15th centuries especially El Greco and Velasquez. Other primary influences are Vermeer, The Scottish Colourists, John Singer Sargeant, John Lavery, Edward Hopper, Henry Scott Tuke, Ethel Carrick and David Hockney.

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