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PAUL   WEERASEKERA   ARTIST/ ARCHITECT /ART TUTOR  (BA HON ARCH  /  DIP ART & DESIGN   UK )   Now   Irish  citizen   since 1990 originally  from Colombo,  sri lanka  Now a full  time artist and art tutor  living in limerick Ireland .  Paul   has over 35  solo exhibitions  and many  group  shows with limerick art society  galleries around Ireland  also  sold many art work and commissions  in USA  and Europe  .Also donated  full price of paintings  to  Irish cancer society /limerick  feral cats .

Paul is a impressionist  artist and works with acrylics, /  watercolour / pencil and chalk pastels.  Painting  landscape  &   seascapes scenes. Also   portraits  / cinema  (lord of the rings ,  western  themes  and many more )also  everyday life.

Pauls paintings  all about  light /shadows/  shades  in pastel colours   .  I always  believe  what  famous Vincent   Van  Gogh  said WHEN I PAINT I STOP THINKING  ... AGREED HUNDRED PERCET   also every child is an artist PICCASO  said ...i call  it  THERAPY .   Hope  you enjoy my art work and many thanks  for visiting my page  Have a wonderful day x

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