
Blue Reflections

Oil/Acrylic on stretched canvas, Abstract by


Art Medium: Oil on stretched canvas

Original Painting: Original

Size: 90 x 60 x 3.5 (W x H x D)

No Frame Required

Size Type: Large

Paintings: Abstract

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Artist: John M Keane

John M Keane

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Blue Reflections has a grey black background, a variety of blues in the middle ground and a gold vibrant foreground.

Oil/Acrylic on stretched canvas, unframed but I intend to frame it in a black floating frame to further enhance its attractiveness.

Additional information

Art Medium

Acrylic, Oil



Size Type


Ireland Shipping: 0

UK Shipping: 80

Rest of EU Shipping: 80

Rest of the World Shipping: 150

Please be aware of additional customs charges depending on shipping location. This item ships from ireland.